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Chinese translation for "radio telescope"


Related Translations:
telescope:  n.1.望远镜。2.【天文学】远镜座。短语和例子an astronomical telescope 天文望远镜。 a binocular telescope 双筒望远镜。 an equatorial telescope 赤道仪。 a radio telescope 射电望远镜。 a reflecting telescope 反射式望远镜。 a relief telescop
electron telescope:  电子望远镜。
gregorian telescope:  反射望远镜〔苏格兰数学家约翰格利高里发明的一种望远镜〕。
equatorial telescope:  赤道仪。
telescope fish:  鼓眼金鱼。
relief telescope:  【军事】体视望远镜。
telescope bag:  (旅行用)伸缩皮包。
galilean telescope:  伽利略望远镜。
dutch telescope:  荷兰式望远镜〔把凸透镜作物镜,凹透镜作目镜〕。
telescope level:  水准仪。
Example Sentences:
1.Existing radio telescopes are probably sensitive enough .
2.It will be the largest and most sensitive radio telescope array in the world .
3.This chain eventually led to jet aircraft, nuclear power, and giant radio telescopes .
4.In 1967, a new type of radio telescope intended for the study of interplanetary scintillation came into operation .
5.The reflector action of such a conducting layer makes it possible to build a radio telescopes that correspond exactly to optical instrument .
6.Astronomers are using radio telescopes to listen for the signals from civilizations that they believe exist on thousands of planets throughout our galaxy .
7.Fuzzy model reference learning for tracking control of large radio telescope
8.Radio telescopes have been able to probe space beyond the range of ordinary optical telescopes
9.Its dsl connection is busy downloading a block of radio telescope data to be analyzed later
10.Hopefully , people in hong kong will have a chance to operate a radio telescope soon
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